10 Kmolh of a Saturated Liquid Feed That is 40 Mol Be


Chemical Process Calculations

A saturated liquid feed of 1000 kmol/h consists of 25 mol% propane, 35 mol% n-butaneand 40 mol% n-hexane.

A distillate recovery of 99 mol% n-butane and bottoms recovery of 98 mol% n-hexane isdesired.

\text { The average relative volatility is } \alpha_{\text {propane }-\text { butane }}=2.04 \alpha_{\text {butane }-\text { butane }}=1.00 \mathrm{and}

\alpha_{\text {hexane-butane }}=0.2

Constant molar overflow (CMO) is valid. Reflux is returned as a saturated liquid. Thecolumn has a partial reboiler and a total condenser.

\text { Using Gilliland correlation, calculate the total number of stages if } R=1.025 \times R_{\min -}



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\text { The average relative volatility is } \alpha_{\text {propane-butane }}=2.04 \alpha_{\text {butane-butane }}=1.00 \mathrm{and}
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D = 410.625 kmol/h
\phi=0.3197 \text { [Trial and Error] }

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Source: https://tutorbin.com/questions-and-answers/a-saturated-liquid-feed-of-1000-kmolh-consists-of-25-mol-propane-35-mo

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